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Denver’s Kickoff to

Summer Party Season!


JUNE 5, 2025
Mile High station & ironworks

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Don't miss your chance to enjoy an evening of elegance and excitement at Drink Red Wear Red!


Join us at Drink Red Wear Red, Denver's premier al-fresco party! Held at the stunning Mile High Station & Ironworks, this event is the city's answer to a big night out. Dress to impress in your best red attire -- from funky to formal -- and indulge in endless bites from Denver's top restaurants and all-you-can-drink wines, plus signature cocktails, beers, and non-alcoholic beverages.

New in 2025: Best dressed contest! Extended VIP hours! All new location!

Tickets are


Benefitting the workers at the heart of our communities

The Colorado Restaurant Foundation (CRF)

is dedicated to providing access to the education, skills, and financial means to pursue a successful career in the food service and hospitality industries. The CRF supports the Colorado ProStart program, registered Apprenticeship, post-secondary scholarships, and the Angel Relief Fund, which provides grants to industry employees facing hardship.

Learn more >

The Colorado Restaurant Association Mile High Chapter Hardship Fund

partners with The Community Impact Fund to provide zero-interest emergency loans to metro-Denver hospitality workers facing unanticipated hardship.

Learn more >

Contact us to get your restaurant or brand involved in Drink Red Wear Red:

Subscribe to the Colorado Restaurant Foundation (CRF) Party List to get the scoop on all CRF events, including access to discounted tickets!

By filling out this form, you agree to receive marketing emails and texts from the Colorado Restaurant Association & Foundation. You’ll get insider info about our events, special offers, and a whole lot more! You can unsubscribe at any time, we promise.