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There is so much you can do to support and influence the advocacy work the CRA team does on behalf of Colorado’s hospitality industry: Join a committee, financially support candidates and issues through our PACs, and connect with legislators to let them know how their proposals ultimately determine the success of your business.

Influence CRA legislative positions

The CRA Legislative Committee, which is open to all restaurant and vendor members, determines the legislative positions we take and the bills we lobby.

The committee meets online weekly during the annual, 16-week State Legislative Session, which runs from January to May.

Join the Legislative Committee

Sign up for Action Center emails

Grassroots activism can be incredibly powerful when it comes directly from you, the constituents our legislators represent.

Your voices and stories have pushed many of our most powerful legislative wins over the finish line, including extending alcohol for takeout and delivery and creating the Restaurant Revitalization Fund in April 2021.

CRA members are automatically enrolled in our email communication. If you are not a CRA member and would like to contribute your voice to our advocacy work, please opt-in to receive timely Action Center alerts. The CRA will send you an email or text when we need you to take action on an issue, complete with contact information for your elected officials and talking points for your email, tweet, or phone call… but remember, personalization is key! Sharing specific examples of how an issue affects you will help make your voice heard.

Opt-In for Action Center alerts

Get involved with your local CRA chapter

Our statewide CRA chapters allow you to get involved with restaurant-related issues and be an impactful leader in your local community.

We have seven chapters across the State including: Boulder County, Breckenridge, Durango, Mile High (Metro Denver), Northern Colorado, Pikes Peak, and Steamboat Springs.

Find Local Chapter Meetings

Testify on legislation that matters

Testimony from local business owners can make or break industry-related legislation. If you are interested in testifying on legislation that affects your business, the CRA Government Affairs team is here to facilitate the process. Below are answers to some common questions about testifying before the legislature:

Where do I go and how long does testifying take?
The State Capitol is located at 200 E. Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80203.

While we greatly appreciate you taking the time to testify in committee, it is difficult to tell you exactly when your testimony will be heard; please plan on being at the Capitol for several hours when testifying. Committee agendas are subject to change at any moment and potentially without notice. There are local coffee shops and restaurants where you can sit and wait if you prefer not to wait in the Capitol.

Where do I park?
There is a parking lot across the street from the Capitol. You can access the lot on Grant Street between 14th and Colfax Avenue, or on Logan Street between 14th and Colfax Avenue. Please consider adding a couple of minutes to your commute time as there is often a line to pay for parking and to get through security.

You may also find a street parking meter in the area, but please be aware that there is a two-hour limit to street parking and during the legislative session much of the street parking is reserved for Capitol staff.

How do I find the Committee Rooms?
The public entrance to the Capitol is located at 14th Avenue and Sherman Street. When you are facing the Capitol building, you will walk to the right of the stairs and enter through the door on the right side. You can then proceed to security.

Once you are through security, you will be in the basement of the building. Walk straight ahead through the circular rotunda. You will reach the elevators and the House Committee rooms. There are room numbers posted. If you cannot find the appropriate committee room, you can ask the House Sergeants (in green) who will be seated at a desk.

If you are testifying in a Senate committee, take the elevator or the stairs up to the third floor. There you will find the Senate Committee rooms. There are also Senate Sergeants (in red) who can assist you.

Can you help me testify before my city council, too?
Absolutely. Please reach out to us if there is a local issue of importance to you and your municipality and we can help you prepare your comments.

Contact the CRA Government Affairs team

How else can I advocate for the Colorado restaurant community?

Reach out to your elected officials on social media: This is the fastest, easiest way to advocate. It’s as simple as tagging them on Twitter and asking them to vote “yes” or “no” on a specific bill.

Write a letter to the editor: This is a great way to inform your community about an issue and influence others to take action. If your letter gets published in your local newspaper, don’t forget to send a copy to your representatives!

Schedule a Restaurant Roundtable meeting in your district: Organizing an in-district meeting is the most effective way to build a relationship with your representative and put a face to your name. These meetings can be at the representative’s district office or at your restaurant with fellow restaurateurs.

Our Government Affairs team is here to help with all of the above!

Action Center

Make an impact by adding your voice to the CRA’s periodic grassroots campaigns.

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Legislative Priorities

Learn about our advocacy goals and track current industry-related legislation.

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Meet the Team

The CRA Government Affairs team works hard for you every single day.

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